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Photos are the BEST way to track your progress! Even though the scale might not have changed much along your fitness journey, photos can show how much tighter and toned you have become since your starting day. Plus, once you see how your body changes in the pictures, you’ll want to keep going! (Not to mention the extra incentive to win Body FX prizes!)

Since you have so many reasons to take before and after photos, you’ll want to take them well! Here’s our top tips on how to take perfect before and after photos.

TIP #1: Location

Please use a plain wall or a door. Avoid patterns, bright colors, clutter or any distracting objects in the background. Also, try and use the same spot for all your before & after pictures.

Tip # 2: Lighting

Take your photos indoors and try to use natural daylight. If you cannot use natural light, ensure that the room is well lit with as much light as possible. Also, make sure you’re facing towards the lighting. Avoid backlighting as it will ruin the quality of your images.

Tip # 3: Camera

Choose the best camera that you will have access to for the duration of your fitness journey. You can use your own smart phone but please- no mirror selfies.

Make sure your camera is positioned several feet away from you, and that it is capturing your full frame, centered and head to toe. And be sure you position the camera eye level.

NOTE: If you are taking your own photos, you can use the timer function. 10 seconds is enough time to get into a perfect place, OR, you can ask someone that you trust to take the photos for you. (angle to take your own photos.png with green check)

Tip #4: Clothing: What to Wear

We request that both men and women wear shorts and a tank top for all of the before and after photos. Make sure the tank top is form fitting so we can see your waistline well.

If you want to take additional photos where your abs are exposed, ladies, we suggest shorts and a sports bra or a swimsuit. DO NOT wear any type of underwear or lingerie. For men, please wear shorts without a shirt. 

Tip #5: Clothing: Wear the Same Outfit

Try and wear the same outfit every time you take your pictures! If your start day clothes no longer fit, wear something very similar. The same color and shape is great, but in a size that fits you. Avoid posing in oversized clothing- you’ll want to see your shape, and progress.

Tip #6: Poses

For your poses, we require 6 angles:

1) Full body frontal pose, head to toe. Keep arms straight down to your sides, and slightly away from the body.

2) Full body back pose. Keep arms straight down to your sides, and slightly away from the body.

3) Side profile right pose. Keep arms straight down to your sides, palms gently resting on your outer thighs.

4) Side profile left pose. Keep arms straight down to your sides, palms gently resting on your outer thighs.

5) The Quarter turn right pose. Start facing the camera and make a 1/4 turn. Then turn your shoulders parallel towards the camera. Place your hands on your hips and bend your front knee slightly. Men, when you do this same ¼ turn keep your feet flat on the floor, knees straight and lift your ribcage up.

6) The Quarter turn left pose. Start facing the camera and make a 1/4 turn. Remember again, shoulders parallel towards the camera, hands on your hips and bend your front knee slightly.

NOTE: Don’t forget to SMILE! These poses are vital to do after your weight loss, not just to see your physical progress, but to also show your confidence.

TIP #7 Timing

It’s very important to take your photos every 4 weeks and on the same day each month. A great way to remember to take your photos on time is to participate in our Body FX monthly Challenges! This will be the best way to keep you accountable and track your progress accurately.

TIP #8: How to Submit

Now that you have taken your photos, it’s time to send those pictures to us for your chance to win cash, prizes and even trips all over the world! Remember, when sending in your photos, make sure they are the originals pictures. We cannot accept altered, cropped, or edited pictures. And please no collages or any type of filters. Keep it all natural!

If you have further questions about how to take acceptable photos, please email us. We can’t wait to see your awesome results soon!



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